Job Alert – Transatlantic Chaos and digital Hopes

Traffic chaos is the normal state of Brussels, but things can get worse: Donald Trump’s visit to Brussels turned even the most notorious car drivers into cyclists, with roads blocked from NATO to the EU institutions. And the outcome? European leaders and Trump are on no better speaking terms, on the contrary: as far as ever on climate change and continuous reproaches on NATO contributions. Trump seems determined to pick friends and foes, and has now crowned Germany as especially „evil“. Nobody may dare to say it, but hopes are certainly high for an impeachment before Trump ruins the diplomatic work of decades.

Some good news from inside the EU: the important digital portfolio, if everything goes well, will finally have a Commissioner again. Bulgaria has nominated Mariya Gabriel who currently serves as a Member of the European Parliament in the EPP group. She will be grilled by her colleagues in June and in case of survival, will have to hit the ground running, with a huge amount of pending proposals at the same time, geared towards completing the Digital Single Market. Lobbyists are ready to help – and if this is the career you envisage, find the latest jobs and as usual more on!

Irina Michalowitz –

pantarhei advisors sucht (Senior) Consultant (w/m)

Als (Senior) Consultant betreuen Sie selbständig Klienten und sind für die Entwicklung und Durchführung von Projekten verantwortlich. Wir erwarten eine kommunikative Persönlichkeit mit hoher Einsatzbereitschaft, sehr guter Vernetzung in den und im Umfeld der Europäischen Institutionen sowie herausragenden Berater-Kompetenzen. Sie verfügen über mehrjährige Berufserfahrung auf EU-Ebene und trauen sich die Beratung unserer Klienten auf hohem Niveau zu. (…)

Goethe Institute seeks a manager (m/f) for the European learning platform project for regional training networks

The remit of the position will include the following main activities: Management of a project team with 2 employees in Brussels; Development of a European network of regional training networks from European regions; Coordination and organisation of multi-sector expert dialogues between the players involved on the subject of youth unemployment;  Cooperation with European institutions and partners in Italy, Germany and other European countries; Advocacy activities for the political positioning of the project in Brussels and at European level (…)

Goethe Institut seeks an assistant (m/f) for the project European Learning Platform for Regional Education Networks

The remit of the position will include the following main activities: Preparation and processing of documents for project planning, coordination, implementation and evaluation; Participation in the monitoring of project development and project results; Participation in the preparation, implementation and post-processing of network and committee meetings; Participation in financial planning and controlling; Participation in public relations activities including web presence and social media; Communication and cooperation with institutions and partners in Europe (…)

UPS seeks Public Affairs Director, Customs and Trade Facilitation

The Director, Customs and Trade Facilitation is responsible for developing strategy in the area of customs and trade facilitation policy and acting as the interface for UPS with relevant European government bodies to advance UPS’s objectives. The Manager holds a role within the UPS Europe Region Public Affairs team and will be based in UPS Europe’s head office in Brussels, Belgium.

Edeka bietet Praktikum im Bereich Public Affairs

Ihre Aufgaben: Mitwirkung bei der Überwachung und Berichterstattung über die Lebensmittel-, Wettbewerbs- und Landwirtschaftspolitik in der EU; Verfassen von internen Berichten sowie Stellungnahmen zu den oben genannten Themenbereichen; Mitwirkung bei der Koordination von Lobbyaktivitäten; Berichterstattung und Teilnahme an Fachgesprächen und externen Veranstaltungen in den EU-Institutionen und dem Handelsverband; Unterstützung bei der Organisation von Veranstaltungen

Club of Rome seeks Associate Project & Communications Manager

Key responsibilities: Assist on-going projects and participate in their development; Manage the Club of Rome website and social media; Respond to enquiries from external individuals and organizations; Support the organization of meetings, conferences and events in Switzerland and abroad, such as the Club of Rome Annual Global Meeting; Contribute to production and distribution of publications including news releases, conference materials, presentations, and annual reports; Assist financial reporting and administrative tasks (…)

politjobs is hosted by polisphere e.V.
35 Square de Meeûs – B-1000 Brussels – T +32.2.89996-71
Irina Michalowitz – Country Manager EU –
Imprint: polisphere-Chairwomen Dr. Sandra Busch-Janser, Register AG Charlottenburg VR 30889B, Tax 27/675/56232
31. May 2017