Job Alert – “Vive la France”

World – and member state – politics remains in the Brussels focus. First of all “Vive la France”: the victory of independent candidate Emmanuel Macron in the first round of the Presidential elections has brought some relief for the Brussels bubble – and expectations are extremely high that he will be elected as President in the second round on Sunday. The important question is what happens then: how will he manage to deliver, given his independent status and the need to very quickly build support and a team for the legislative elections in June?

Another experiment has reached the next stage: Brexit. After an apparently disastrous dinner between Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and British Prime Minister Theresa May, the European Commission has now published its draft negotiating guidelines for the formal opening of the Brexit negotiations. The clock is expected to officially start ticking after the British elections on 8 June, and emotions remain high.

As a result, day-to-day policymaking seems to pass by the world outside Brussels: from geoblocking to the overhaul of the EU’s energy markets or legislative consequences from the Panama Papers scandal – Brussels continues business as usual, with the usual interference of lobbyists, but even less in the limelight as in geopolitically calmer times. If you want to contribute to ensuring the input of affected stakeholders into any kind of policy decision, find the latest jobs and as usual more on!

Irina Michalowitz –


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Discuss the latest political campaign tools, technology, tactics & strategy with Arun Chaudhary, Revolution Messaging (Bernie Sanders campaign), Martin Radjaby-Rasset, Jung von Matt/Donau Werbeagentur (Van der Bellen campaign), Jeannette Gusko, and many more…
19th May, 2017 @ The Factory, Berlin, Germany.
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GIZ seeks Advisor (m/f) Economic Analysis and Policy

GIZ has been supporting economic and social development and reconstruction in Tajikistan since 1995. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ is implementing the programme ‚Towards Rural Inclusive Growth and Economic Resilience (TRIGGER)‘. The programme’s goal is to improve the competitiveness and increase the income and economic performance of enterprises and small producers in order to contribute to sustainable economic development in the country (…)

IASS seeks Two Senior Research Associates (m/f) for the project “Co-Creation and Contemporary Policy Advice”

The project focuses on co-creative processes linking actors across the policymaking, civil society, scientific and private sectors. The aim of the project is to learn more about already existing co-creation practices and to discuss whether and how this approach could be integrated in the field of policy-advice and policymaking. We are currently looking for two more members (one scientific project leader and one team member) to complete our team (…)

Google seeks Public Policy and Government Relations Analyst (Northern Europe)

As a Public Policy and Government Relations Analyst for Northern Europe, you will work with a regional team to develop and execute public policy strategies and campaigns. You will also work with a cross-functional team in Europe, as well as with a closely-coordinated global Public Policy team to advance policy positions that benefit our users and, more generally, an open Internet.Technology moves quickly, so it’s important that we work closely with politicians, regulators, academics and third parties around the issues that affect the Internet and our users (…)

Lufthansa bietet Praktikum im Bereich Konzernpolitik

Unsere Abteilung vertritt die Interessen der Lufthansa und der Konzerngesellschaften gegenüber den EU-Institutionen und fördert das Verständnis für die Belange der Luftfahrt und der Lufthansa Group bei den zuständigen Stellen in Brüssel. Wir erarbeiten und koordinieren in Abstimmung mit den Konzerngesellschaften und deren Fachabteilungen die Positionen der Lufthansa zu EU-Luftverkehrsthemen. Darüber hinaus beraten wir den Konzernvorstand sowie die Geschäftsführungen der Konzerngesellschaften bei regulatorischen und politischen Verfahren und vertreten ihre Interessen bei der Gesetzgebung (…)

FACE seeks Senior Legal & Public Affairs Manager

He or she should be passionate about hunting and willing to work hard to increase our reach and promote sustainable hunting and conservation in Europe. The successful candidate will also be responsible for the oversight and management of policy and legal staff (…)

Copa-Cogeca seeks Policy Advisor Expert on Wine & Aquaculture

His/her main functions will be to: Monitor the European policy initiatives, market developments and identify emerging trends and issue, particularly in the areas of Wine&Spirits and Aquaculture; Provide thorough analysis of developments, their impacts for Copa-Cogeca members and develop Copa-Cogeca positions; Orginise and coordinate the respective Copa-Cogeca Working Parties; Develop, in collaboration with the members, Copa-Cogeca’s lobbying activities to influence the EU institutions and external partners (…)

politjobs is hosted by polisphere e.V.
35 Square de Meeûs – B-1000 Brussels – T +32.2.89996-71
Irina Michalowitz – Country Manager EU –
Imprint: polisphere-Chairwomen Dr. Sandra Busch-Janser, Register AG Charlottenburg VR 30889B, Tax 27/675/56232
4. May 2017