Job Alert – Spanish High-Noon

The previous weeks belonged to Catalan leader Carles Puidgemont. Europe is watching with amazement: Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoi and Carles Puidgemont have been heading for a High-Noon moment of regional politics. By now, Rajoi has dismissed the Catalan government and triggered Article 155 of the Spanish constitution – effectively taking away Catalan autonomy. Meanwhile, Carlos Puidgemont was offered political asylum by Flemish Nationalists – and actually flew to Belgium, where he held a rather absurd press conference, requesting support by the international community.

Whilst Puidgemont is declaring himself a victim by courtesy of Prime Minister Rajoi, Catalonia is about to lose everything: its economic stability is already shaken and endangers its prosperity, and autonomy may well be lost for good. Whilst Rajoi currently looks like an unhappy winner, the underlying tensions are far from being solved. The Spanish government has many cracks to mend now.

Amazement is also the word that best describes current European feelings about Brexit negotiations. Whilst the last summit sent May back to London with a face-saving statement but no solution allowing to move on to trade issues, the most recent proposal is to change around the schedule of meetings from a fixed structure to a single open-ended debate. Focus on structure is definitely easier than focus on content – knows everyone who has frantically cleaned a room before taking on an important task. Meanwhile, a No-Deal scenario is more and more loudly being talked about, and it  remains to be seen if that noise is scary enough to get everyone into a constructive mode at the negotiation table.

Provided that she has enough ministers to handle any deal: May’s government stumbles over sexual harassment allegations triggered by the #metoo movement. Defence minister Michael Fallon is already out, accusations against 36 Tory MPs are being internally investigated. The European Parliament, due to pressure by the Politico Magazine, has been quick in coming up with a joint motion for a resolution to condemn sexual harassment – including in its own house. As important as it is to address such behaviour as inappropriate, intimidating, discriminatory and disgusting – none of this is new and none of the politicians now involved in political activism can claim not to have known about what is now being discussed in public and which costs some political heads. This subject cannot be dealt with by sending a few scapegoats into the wilderness – this needs a fundamental discussion and a shift towards much more respectful behaviour between the sexes.

If you are up to discussing anything from harassment to Catalan independence, find attached some jobs and as usual more on!

Irina Michalowitz –

Europatat seeks Policy and Communication Advisor

Duties and responsibilities: Monitoring and analysing EU policy and legislation relating to potatoes. Being able to understand and summarise EU policy information; Monitoring and collecting data, analysing industry trends, and performing statistical analysis of market developments; Interacting with policy makers, members and other associations to formulate, present and defend the association’s positions on various policy dossiers; Providing support to the Secretary General for the development of the association’s positions and the implementation of lobbying activities; Ensuring effective cooperation and coordination with different stakeholders; Regularly reporting internally and to members on your areas of responsibility (…)

European Association of Hospital Pharmacists seeks Policy Team Assistant

Duties include but are not limited to: Providing assistance to the Policy Officer and Policy Assistant, including monitoring, horizon scanning, legislative analysis and production of briefing materials; Contribute to major policy projects, for example, the common training framework project and EAHP’s work to facilitate the implementation of the 44 European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy; Produce and write material for the EAHP website; Produce consultation responses; Ensure appropriate recording of meetings; Maintenance and development of policy and advocacy related databases and information management systems; To help to respond promptly and accurately to policy and advocacy related enquiries from EAHP members and stakeholders (…)

Hutchison seeks Senior EU Affairs Manager

Key objectives: Monitoring legislative and regulatory developments, assessing their impact and advising the Director of European Regulatory Affairs and Senior Management; Developing and influencing internal positions and managing portfolios; Developing internal and external position papers, understanding and including the views of and input from CKHH operating companies; Running advocacy campaigns to achieve business objectives; Maintain and develop contacts with decision makers in the EU institutions (…)

DIHK sucht Referenten/-in „Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht, deutsches und internationales Handelsrecht“

Ihre Herausforderung: Als ausgewiesene/r Experte/-in verfolgen Sie die Entwicklung des Europäischen Wirtschaftsrechts und des Deutschen und Internationalen Handelsrechts auf europäischer Ebene; Als kompetente/r Ansprechpartner/-in sind Sie für den intensiven rechtspolitischen Austausch mit den EU-Institutionen sowie anderen Organisationen in Brüssel verantwortlich; Sie gestalten innovative Formen der europapolitischen Interessenvertretung; In Ihrem Kompetenzfeld liegt ebenfalls die Zusammenarbeit mit den Auslandshandelskammern (AHKs) und den Industrie- und Handelskammern (IHKs) in europarechtlichen Fragen; Darüber hinaus betreuen Sie die Themenstellungen des Referats Handelsrecht (…)

Bundesarbeitgeberverband Chemie (BAVC) sucht Referent/in Europapolitik (m/w)

Ihr Aufgabenspektrum: Analyse von politischen und regulativen Prozessen auf EU-Ebene sowie selbstständige Betreuung und Verfolgung von Themen; Erarbeitung von Positionen in enger Abstimmung mit der Zentrale in Wiesbaden; Pflege und Ausbau der Kontakte zu europäischen Institutionen, Verbänden und weiteren Stakeholdern in Brüssel; Organisation, Koordination und Vorbereitung von Gesprächsterminen zur Interessenvertretung; Planung, inhaltliche Konzeption und Koordination von Veranstaltungen; Erstellung von Artikeln und Rundschreiben für die Mitgliedsverbände (…)


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