Job Alert – The EU ante BREXIT

The EU without Britain – months ago, BREXIT did not seem a realistic option. Nobody in Brussels could imagine that the UK referendum could actually result in a decision against the EU. One day before the vote, we are not so sure anymore. Scenarios what will happen to companies, to British officials in the EU institutions, to trade with the UK, to Scotland are now being played through. The prospects are dire, and still, many British seem angry enough at the EU to opt for the island to try it on its own again. And many people from other countries agree – we just have to remember the more than close vote of an Austrian president, or take a look at Poland or Hungary.

The EU is at a difficult point in its development – and yet: especially in times like these, we also see the strength of the Union. The current climate of communication between member states is full of distrust and hurt emotions: pre-EU, this was an atmosphere that could easily result in war. Even if coming to satisfying agreements between 28 member states is difficult, even if some always pay and others always receive – the EU has come a long way to bring peace and economic prosperity to a culturally very diverse area. Let’s stop complaining about its weaknesses – let’s support the EU instead and improve on it! One way is with a new job. And if you want to get in or out of an EU job and don’t know how, don’t forget that this week is your last chance to sign up to the „Transferable Skills“ workshop in Brussels on 30 June.

As always, best of luck and success from our side, and loads of new jobs below! And as usual more on

Irina Michalowitz –


Insurance Europe seeks Policy advisor international affairs and reinsurance
In this role, you will be supporting the international affairs and reinsurance team on trade and market access issues, relevant for European insurers and reinsurers. Experience in financial services and/or trade matters will therefore be very valuable. You will develop the relevant expertise and be responsible for the work on a range of file. You will be responsible for s preparing meetings and coordinating discussions of a range of working groups, and will also contribute to developing advocacy papers that will support the organisation’s public affairs and policy objectives. You will do so by developing and leveraging key relationships with internal and external stakeholders. You will assure coordination of and work closely with dedicated industry bodies, such as the Reinsurance Advisory Board, and will engage with a range of external stakeholders, both European and international (e.g. the European Commission, OECD, etc). […]

ONE seeks Policy and Research Manager
Responsibilities: Lead on commissioning research, working with thought leaders, stakeholders, and other partners on global security, development and humanitarian issues, and managing those processes to completion; Combine, analyze, and synthesis existing research and data into briefs for internal and external use; Develop analysis of any major report, research, publication or data on humanitarian and refugee crises for internal and external use; Monitor stakeholders and media outlets for breaking or major developments and announcements on humanitarian and global security issues; Manage relationships with multilateral institutions—World Bank, IMF, UN agencies, Africa Development Bank and communication flow between multilaterals and ONE; Organize and prepare studies, reviews and reports on humanitarian, emergency relief and related issues; organize follow up work to support policy development work and decision-making on important issues; Assist or leads, as appropriate, in the preparation of reports, studies, background papers, policy guidelines, correspondence, presentations, etc. […]

Erste Lesung bietet Praktikum Public Affairs
Angebot: Einblicke in die Arbeit einer Public Affairs Agentur; Einblicke in konkrete politische Inhalte und Prozesse in Berlin und Brüssel; Arbeiten in einem jungen und dynamischen Team; Eine sehr gute Arbeitsatmosphäre und enge Einbindung in die tägliche Arbeit; Eine durchgehende persönliche Beratung zur eigenen Positionierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt; Hilfe beim Aufbau eines Netzwerks im gewünschten Karriereumfeld; Ein Heranführen an das politische Protokoll z.B. in Formulierungen und Veranstaltungen; Eine Schulung für die politiknahe Arbeit z.B. Schreiben von inhaltlichen Vermerken und kurzen Reden; Eine Einführung in die die notwendigen IT- und Softwarekenntnisse für die Büroarbeit […]

Uniper seeks Advisor / Manager (m/f) EU Public Affairs
Responsibilities: Support the Head of Office of Uniper in Brussels within the division “Political & Regulatory Affairs” in developing and executing advocacy on the main European energy priorities. Support in promoting and representing Uniper towards the European Institutions and wider stakeholder community. Support in intelligence gathering, monitoring legislative developments. Support in writing position papers and presentations. Safeguard Uniper’s interests in energy, environment and climate policy within the political decision making process in Brussels. Ensure the business is kept fully informed through regular and timely briefings. […]

Euros/Agency recherche un/e volontaire international(e)
Missions principales : Veille législative et médiatique européenne ; Rédaction de notes et d’éléments de contenu (analyses, briefings, biographies, communiqués, etc.) ; Recherche documentaire, sollicitation de rendez-vous, participation à des événements externes ; Préparation d’outils de communication divers (dossiers de presse, dossiers de présentation, etc.). Des déplacements ponctuels dans la zone BENELUX, ainsi qu’à Paris et dans les régions ultrapériphériques de l’Union européenne pourront s’avérer nécessaire […]

UK Permanent and Military Representatives to NATO seek Joint Diary Secretary
Main responsibilities: Managing the diaries of both MILREP and PERMREP, including organising meetings and social engagements; Assisting with preparation and management of incoming and outgoing correspondence and briefing packs; Assisting with escorting senior military and diplomatic visitors; Booking travel for PERMREP; Providing telephone and message support to the Private and Outer Office staff; Organising meetings including booking and setting up of rooms; Providing general office and administrative support as required as part of the Private and Outer Office teams, including information management and record keeping […]

CK Hutchison Holdings Limited seeks EU Regulatory Affairs Manager
Responsibilities: The post-holder will support the work of the office by: Monitoring legislative and regulatory proposals that may impact the Hutchison Europe businesses and assessing their impact and advising the Director of European Regulatory Affairs; Monitoring and advising on the activities of the EU institutions; Running advocacy campaigns; Drafting briefing papers and responses to consultations; Maintaining contact with decision makers in the EU institutions; Liaising with colleagues in the Hutchison Europe businesses; Attending external meetings […]

Verbindungsbüro des Deutschen Bundestags in Brüssel sucht Referenten (m/w)
Aufgabenbeschreibung: Vorfeldbeobachtung, Auswertung von Planungsdokumenten der EU-Kommission, Frühwarnberichterstattung; Fertigung von Berichten, Kurzinformationen und Vermerken zu aktuellen Beratungsständen in den EU-Institutionen für Abgeordnete, Gremien und Organisationseinheiten der Bundestagsverwaltung; Aufbau und Unterhaltung eines Informationsnetzwerks zu den Institutionen und Gremien der EU, zur Ständigen Vertretung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bei der EU, zu den Vertretungen der Bundesländer, zu den Ständigen Vertretern der Parlamente der EU-Mitgliedstaaten und zu anderen Akteuren im EU-Geschehen; Beantwortung von Anfragen aus dem parlamentarischen Raum sowie Erteilung von Auskünften an Abgeordnete und Ausschüsse; Fachliche und organisatorische Unterstützung von Bundestagsdelegationen bei Reisen/auswärtigen Sitzungen nach Brüssel sowie Reisen zu interparlamentarischen Konferenzen; Mitwirkung bei der Durchführung von Informationsveranstaltungen […]

politjobs is hosted by polisphere e.V.
35 Square de Meeûs – B-1000 Brussels – T +32.2.89996-71
Irina Michalowitz – Country Manager EU –
Imprint: polisphere-Chairwomen Dr. Sandra Busch-Janser, Register AG Charlottenburg VR 30889B, Tax 27/675/56232
22. June 2016