Job Alert – Social Entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg

“Social entrepreneurship is the attempt to draw upon business techniques to find solutions to social problems.This concept may be applied to a variety of organizations with different sizes, aims, and beliefs.” (Wikipedia)

Although the thought of Facebook as a social entrepreneurship might sound absurd at first sight, this definition actually fits the social network quite well. In order to underline his claim to be the biggest social entrepreneur of all times, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife announced to give 99% of their Facebook shares, worth 45 billion dollars, to charity…

And for those who also want to make the world a better place, below some interesting job offers in the political field – and more every day, of course, on our job market on

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Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung sucht Office Manager (m/w)
Ihre Aufgaben: Assistenz der Büroleitung; technische und administrative Büroorganisation; Unterstützung der Buchhaltung (Kontieren, Buchen, Zahlungsverkehr; Gehaltsabrechnung in Vertretung); organisatorische und administrative Unterstützung bei der Durchführung von Projekten; Mitwirkung bei der Budgeterstellung; Unterstützung des operativen Controllings […]

Coceral seeks Policy Advisor in Agricultural Markets and Trade (m/f)
Main responsibilities: Monitoring of regulatory and policy developments mainly at EU level, without disregarding international organisations and institutions; Interpretation of current regulations concerning agricultural commodities; briefing COCERAL members on the impact of new legislation; designing pro-active policy strategies anticipating the EU legislators; intelligence gathering and analysis of developments; Liaising with members, preparing and managing relationships with working parties and committees, as well as developing position papers, press-releases, letters, etc.; Representing the interests of COCERAL with EU institutions, EU associations and platforms along the agri-food chain, international institutions and associations of key trading partners. […]

EPP seeks Press Officer (m/f)
Responsibilities: Daily press overview (early morning) for EPP headquarters; Permanent news monitoring for EPP headquarters; Managing media rapid reactions by EPP leadership; Recommending media activities to EPP officials; Drafting EPP press releases and content for EPP website and EPP social media presence; Preparation of EPP Summits, Political Assemblies, Congresses and other events. […]

APCO Worldwide seeks Project Assistant (m/f)
Responsibilities: The following are specific duties performed on a daily basis: Provide general research and intelligence to the office (eg. monitoring media, institutional developments, legislative updates); Develop understanding of different client/ industry issues through research and monitoring across a wide range of relevant issues; Draft client materials (eg. monitoring, stakeholder mappings etc.); Actively support new business opportunities by contributing to brainstorms, conducting research, compiling bios and preparing decks; Support media relations (eg. drafting press releases, producing media lists etc.); Support client event organization; Ad hoc admin support tasks (eg. Translations) […]

Eurochambres seeks Junior Policy Advisor (m/f)
Responsibilities: Oversee the involvement of the association in a range of dossiers relating to EU SME policy and better regulation; Plan and implement advocacy campaigns in collaboration with EUROCHAMBRES members; Coordinate EUROCHAMBRES’ Better Regulation and SME Committees of national Chamber experts; Maintain and develop a network of contacts with the EU institutions and relevant stakeholders; Optimise the association’s visibility and represent it effectively at external meetings; Draft positions, briefings, publications, correspondence, articles, media content and press releases; Monitor the development of EU regulatory and policy initiatives […]

New EU Airline Association seeks Policy Directors (m/f)
Main responsibilities: Manage and lead policy campaigns to achieve the association’s objectives. Ensure the association has clear and credible positions on EU policy issues. Maintain close working relationships with airline members and ensure that association positions reflect the views and interests of airline members. Coordinate the operation of association policy committees. Ensure the association’s positions are communicated in a positive and constructive way. Deliver changes to the EU legislative framework that support efficiency and competitiveness of airline members. Maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders across the European Commission, Parliament and Member States. […]

HEA seeks Operations and Policy Officer (m/f)
Tasks & responsibilities: Handling the administrative and accounting tasks linked to the management of the Association. Following EU and international policy developments in the fields of renewable energy, water, innovation and R&D. Administration and update of a central hydropower database (excel). Assisting in the coordination of the different working groups of the Association, organising internal meetings and drafting minutes. Handling the administrative and organisational concerns of the Managing Director (travels, participation in events and conferences …). […]

Embassy and Mission of the Republic of Korea seeks Researcher (m/f)
Responsibilities: Research and develop analytical reports on policy topics of EU, Belgium and Luxembourg according to Embassy requirements; Drafting and editing of public speeches or articles in English; Provide general assistance to the Embassy staff; Carry out additional tasks as assigned by the Diplomats; and, Build networks of institutional, government, industry, NGO and academic contacts. Tasks will include general administrative and secretarial support in English and French. […]

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4. December 2015