Job Alert – Summertime!

Summertime at 35 degrees Celsius… that is not what we wished for during the last plenary session. But no complaints, the forecast is good: Summer break is waiting – for the politicos, as well as for the politjobs job alert.

We will be back in September, when all HR people return to work and start planning the second half of the year. Then you will receive your bi-weekly job alert on the latest jobs in Brussels by mail again.

If you can’t wait to take your chance, please visit us at We will stay cool and keep the job board updated even no matter of the temperature.

Enjoy the summer!

Your politjobs team


AmCham EU seeks EU Policy Officer
The Policy Officer acts as a focal point for all committee activities. He/she establishes contact with EU institution officials; oversees the production and dissemination/marketing of policy papers; organises activities including meetings, conferences, seminars and visits; writes for the AmCham EU news sheet and contributes to other publications; researches and disseminates information on key EU issues for the membership; and manages all information flows. […]

BBI JU seeks Communication & Stakeholders Relationships Officer
The Communication and Stakeholders Relationships Officer will develop, design and implement information and communication actions and projects, with a view to informing BBI JU stakeholders and the public and promoting the activities of the BBI JU. He/she will coordinate relations with press/media and BBI JU Stakeholders. […]

COCIR seeks Public Affairs Manager
Main responsibilities: Coordinate COCIR activities for 5 committees (Public Affairs Focus Group, Financial Sustainability Focus Group, Research & Innovation Focus Group, Data Protection Task Force and Health Technology Assessment Task Force); Work with the Focus Group/Task Force Chairs, organize COCIR internal meetings and teleconferences, set-up agendas, prepare background documents, write meeting/TCON minutes, post documents and update calendar on the COCIR members-only website on a regular basis; Actively monitor new information such as EU consultations, new draft legislations and initiatives, and share with members on regular basis and coordinate COCIR contributions to the relevant ones when decided by the groups […]

Staatskanzlei des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt sucht EU-Referentin/en
Der Arbeitsplatz „Regionalpolitik“ umfasst neben der Regionalpolitik insbesondere die Bereiche Demografie einschließlich Fachkräftesicherung und Beschäftigung, Verkehr, Tourismus und Standortmarketing sowie die Unterstützung der Tätigkeit des sachsen-anhaltischen Mitgliedes im Ausschuss der Regionen. Im Themenfeld „EU-Förderpolitik“ sind die Bereiche EU-Förderpolitik, KMU, Cluster- und Industriepolitik, Energie sowie Beihilfe/Vergabe zu bearbeiten. Daneben sind Besuche des Ministerpräsidenten und des Europaministers vorzubereiten und zu betreuen, Veranstaltungen der Landesvertretung zu konzipieren und durchzuführen, Sitzungen des sachsen-anhaltischen Mitgliedes im Ausschuss der Regionen vorzubereiten und zu begleiten bzw. die EU-Beratungsstellen in Sachsen-Anhalt (insbesondere EU Serviceagentur und Enterprise Europe Network) für die Landesvertretung Brüssel zu betreuen. […]

RSF seeks Head of EU Office
Reporting to the programme director of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), based in Brussels, the RSF Head of the EU office is responsible for: RSF’s media freedom monitoring and advocacy in the countries of the European Union and Balkans; Implementing and developing RSF’s advocacy and lobbying strategies with European institutions for defending freedom of information and its actors worldwide. […]

Metis seeks Communication Expert
Main Responsibilities: The communication expert will work in a small team of experienced evaluation experts and is responsible for the organisation and implementation of the communication tasks of the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development: Development of the content and update of the Helpdesk website; Drafting of offical documents: newsletter articles, good practice reports, etc.; Promotion of Helpdesk activities through various communication channels: website, newsletter, social media; Contribution to the organisation of events and workshops; Implementation of the graphic identity of the Helpdesk; Proofreading and quality check of external documents […]

WWF seeks Head of Unit, EU Climate and Energy Policy
Main responsibilities: Initiates, supervises and coordinates WWF EPO activities as they pertain to the European climate & energy agenda, in order to deliver on WWF’s European and international objectives; Manages the EPO climate and energy team; Provides strategic direction on EU issues to climate and energy staff in European offices and works in close cooperation with them; Responsible for maintaining funding for a significant portion of team financing, and supporting office-wide fundraising activities; Serves as the lead EPO spokesperson on climate and energy issues; Provides technical expertise & guidance on European Climate and Energy issues to senior management and staff […]

Steltemeier & Rawe seeks Senior Associate (m/f)
Kernaufgaben:Eigenständige Führung von Mandaten (Strategie, Beratung, Implementierung); Akquise und Erschließung neuer Geschäftsbereiche; Positionierung der Beratung im Wettbewerb; Ausbau Ihres bestehenden Netzwerkes in Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien; Vertretung der Interessen unserer Mandanten; Entwicklung von politischen und medialen Strategien; Fundierte Einordnung politischer Entwicklungen gegenüber Mandanten und Stakeholdern; Führung eines Teams, Weiterentwicklung der Mitarbeiter; Vertragsverhandlungen und Abrechnung der Mandate […]

Steltemeier & Rawe seeks Junior Associate (m/f)
Kernaufgaben: Eigenständige Recherche und Analyse von Themen und Verfahren einschliesslich einer strukturierten Aufbereitung;Entwicklung und Erstellung von Argumentationen, Präsentationen, Briefen sowie Strategieempfehlungen; Eigenständiger Aufbau eines Netzwerks in Politik, Verwaltung, Verbänden, Unternehmen und Medien zur Informationsgewinnung. […]


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1. July 2015