Job Alert – Brussels Christmas Follies

Dreaming of a white Christmas… not a very popular song in Brussels. The year is nearing its usual end with an absolutely unexpected natural desaster: snow.  3 cm suffice for chaos on the roads, at the airport, public transport basically completely paralysed – time to leave the city.

Someone apparently not informed about what snow does to the city, was Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. After US President Trump announced to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he showed up in Brussels  without being invited, in the middle of the snow chaos and right on time for the Foreign Affairs Ministers’ Council to push for a similar move of the EU member states. Brussels bureaucrats and even Heads of State are no fans of surprise guests, but as Christmas is a time of open doors, Netanyahu got his speaking slot – and a sharp response by the EU’s Foreign Affairs High Representative Federica Mogherini.

At least other issues give hope for a peaceful Christmas break: the EU and the UK have finally come to a divorce deal that allows to move forward with the next phase of negotiations – the UK basically agreeing to do as requested by the EU. Which is not welcomed back home: the British government is having a bad week, culminating in a vote by the British House of Commons, giving the UK Parliament a veto power on any exit agreement with the EU.

With all this excitement, we can be glad that the Bulgarian Presidency is aiming at keeping things as usual: Digital will be the priority, driving the EU’s electronic communications code and other items home. Politjobs will take a short Christmas break now, but before that, have a look and find attached some jobs and as usual more on!

Irina Michalowitz –


Goethe-Institut Brüssel sucht Beauftragte/en im EU-Büro für die Beratung von Dienstleistungsaufträgen

Das Aufgabengebiet umfasst schwerpunktmäßig folgende Tätigkeiten: Akquise, Identifizierung und Aufbereitung von Informationen zu Dienstleistungsaufträgen für das Goethe-Institut weltweit; Eigenständige Beratung der Goethe-Institute bei der Angebotserstellung für Dienstleistungsaufträge; Mitarbeit bei der Ausarbeitung der Angebote sowie bei der Beschaffung aller relevanten Unterlagen; Überprüfung der Finanzpläne und der formalen Richtigkeit der Angebote; Begleitung bewilligter Aufträge von der Vorbereitung bis zur Rechnungsprüfung; Administrative Aufgaben (…)

Copa-Cogeca seeks Policy Advisor on Livestock Production

His/her main functions will be to: Monitor European policy initiatives and market developments, and identify emerging trends and issues, mainly in the areas of livestock production (pigmeat, poultry, eggs and horses) and possibly in other agricultural production sectors; Provide thorough analysis of developments, their consequences for Copa-Cogeca members and develop Copa-Cogeca positions; Organise and coordinate the respective Copa-Cogeca Working Parties; Develop, in collaboration with members, Copa-Cogeca’s lobbying activities to influence the EU institutions and external partners; Develop networking opportunities with the member organisations of Copa-Cogeca, other European stakeholders and NGOs; Report to the respective Director (…)

Association of European Component Manufacturers seeks Secretary General

Overall duties of ASERCOM’s Secretary General: Aligns the strategy with Board members and secures appropriate implementation; Represents ASERCOM members companies’ interests vs. political and commercial bodies, organizations and companies; Secures competition laws’ compliance and fair competition within the industry actors through various certification programs; Supports exchange of information and implementation of cooperative measures in Europe, USA and Asia with other organizations/associations; Runs appropriate communication activities to promote ASERCOM and develops memberships; Industry knowledge as well as good command of several foreign languages is a must for the position (…)

The European Retail Round Table seeks Sustainability Manager

Key responsibilities: Coordinate and promote ERRT’s activities in the field of sustainability; Monitor relevant EU policy developments and prepare consolidated information on them; Organise meetings and events and secure proper follow-up; Prepare position papers, briefings, presentations and other documentation; Engage with EU policy-makers and stakeholders to represent ERRT’s interests; Manage sustainability-related content on the ERRT website (…)

Cercle de l’Industrie recherche Chargé de Mission Affaires publiques européennes

Les fonctions à exercer sous la supervision de la représentante à Bruxelles, en interaction avec l’équipe du siège à Paris, comprennent notamment: le suivi et l’analyse de la législation européenne; le suivi des principaux jalons de la politique européenne et les interactions avec les instances compétentes à proposer; la rédaction d’un dossier d’information mensuel sur l’actualité européenne, de notes de synthèse et de «position papers»; la participation à des conférences, auditions, etc.; la préparation et participation à des rencontres avec des décideurs politiques et des représentants d’organisations partenaires.

politjobs is hosted by polisphere e.V.
35 Square de Meeûs – B-1000 Brussels – T +32.2.89996-71
Irina Michalowitz – Country Manager EU –
Imprint: polisphere-Chairwomen Dr. Sandra Busch-Janser, Register AG Charlottenburg VR 30889B, Tax 27/675/56232
15. December 2017